Tami Green | Life Coach | Compassionate Disrupter

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Do This, Then Create Something

Do This, Then Create Something

This is the year to move, create, and do something meaningful.

I am going to walk you through the creative process I use with my clients in order to help them clearly visualize what they want to create and then sustain the effort to get there.

If you don't know me, I've been a life coach since way before it was popular. Some call me America's most respected life coach. I earned that title by standing up for myself and by standing up for others--by being vulnerable and empowering others to do the same.

And I want you to gain similar respect. Because what you have learned during the hardest times in your life is the most important thing that you have to give to the world.

I teach compassionate disrupters like you how to think, stand and create so you can take those experiences and use them to make the world a better place.

Through the next few newsletters, I am going to take you through the behind-the-scenes steps of my own creative process. I am currently using it to creating the course "Think. Stand. Create.", but you can use it for anything you want to achieve.

My hope is that by watching the process, you may be inspired to follow through on your dream of creating something that positively impacts (disrupts, even) the world.


The first step for any creative project is to learn how to think clearly. You can't complete anything until you can focus enough to finish a task.

Now, I know that we can't concentrate all the time. I work with a lot of people who have tough lives. Many have a mental illness they have to manage. 

And we all have other jobs, projects, and responsibilities that can keep us from doing what we know to be most important and meaningful to our souls.

But you will learn to keep your center of attention on your project. I will be giving you many things to practice to achieve this, trust me. It's what I do!


The second step is to go through the process of self-discovery, an exhilarating process. Without clarifying who you are and your values, you will keep getting knocked off course from what you were put on this earth to do. The key to doing this is to give yourself permission to be YOU. Over and over again.


The third step is to create something. 

I've spent the last few days laying out every piece it will take to create my project--yours may be completely different, but the same process can be used for what you are accomplishing.

While I am creating this course, I am also using it as a project to apply for the Design School at the University of Texas, Austin. Batching similar activities like this takes planning on the front end but exponentially accelerates your productivity.

Here is a behind-the-scenes video of how this looked for me yesterday:

I will show you step-by-step how to do this in the course if you would like to join me for more.

Today I want to challenge you to THINK about who you want to be known as and for what you want to be known. Please take a minute to tell us in the comments below.

By taking the step of sharing, you will get clearer (think) and get feedback and support from the tribe to stand up and create something magnificent.