Compassionate disrupters

“We are enlightened through pain and united by purpose.”

We have individually reached transcendence Collectively we are the positive change in the world.

The problem:

What's Really Happening Now.png

We are different, misfits, and outcasts. This is extremely good because the world longs for what we have. But we lack the tools, support, and self-belief to make the difference we deeply feel is imminent, and know we are a part of.

The solution:

A gatherer to unite our collective journey—to support and empower one another. And a mentor to give us the skills we are lacking to raise us up.

Why me?

I am Tami Green. I “came out” 2016ish when I testified before Congress on what it felt like to have a mental illness. This was before authenticity was popular—I risked everything and garnered the respect of top clinicians and began building a following of others who were beautiful and powerful, yet misunderstood.

My work has always been “in the trenches.” I love the most broken because I am one. I see what we need and where this is going, and everything I do, every day, is for this.

Tami Green is an inspiration to us all...Her mission, to spread the word...of optimism and hope, is just the right one.
— John M. Oldham, MD, MS, Past President of the American Psychiatric Association (APA).

Systems: Jeff Gomez, what am I missing?

Blitzkrieg, how? I know there is more.


Instagram 26.4k followers Focusing on followers first for social proof. Engagement next.

Twitter: 8,587 followers Focusing on building engaging and numerous tweets, then followers (Twitter requires 12+ tweets a day for algorithm.)

LinkedIn: 23k followers, 3k engaged newsletter, 11k newsletter subscriptions LI is a home-run for diverse engagement. Many are asking, “how can I join? what can I do?”

Youtube and Podcast: You are right. Looking over past analytics, podcast subscribers were high for a mediocre product. Need a format and time to edit/produce.

Newsletter: 4,000 subscribers, sent weekly. Focusing on building this.

Google and YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook Ads. Sales Funnel. Currently A/B testing. I am not intimidated by this complexity, however, steep learning curve


My eye is on scalability. I have a three+ year goal for profitability.

Course creation and individual coaching. These events are to raise revenue to increase ad spending, to serve those who want in-depth guidance, and to keep me very sharp on what is needed from customers.

My strengths:

I know a lot. Insatiable desire to learn. Broad knowledge of marketing. Ability to predict trends, engage authentically, unite and empathize, tenacity.

My weaknesses:

I have no idea what I’m doing. Solo gets lonely and often leaves me wondering what I am missing without more high-level feedback.