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Tami Green | Life Coach | Texas REALTOR
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Have you ever thought this?

I have an amazing idea but don’t know where to find the resources to make it happen.
I feel so overwhelmed, I don’t know where to start.

And want to say this?

Today I got an email thanking me for helping them so much. It made me tear up.

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Just For You


There is nothing more satisfying than using your life experiences to help others.

Creating what you dream may be the most satisfying thing you’ve ever done. The world needs everything you’ve gone through and everything you have learned.


Here’s what you’ll get


Think Brilliantly

In this module, you will find tools to work on your thoughts and beliefs. You will banish the negative self-talk, get inspired, and empower yourself with new beliefs.


Stand up and shine

Self-discovery and self-belief will lead you to create something uncommon that the world needs.

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Create something meaningful

You will break down every piece of your project and get it into a manageable timeline. You will gain enthusiasm, motivation, and the energy to get it done.


Here’s what you’ll do

Six modules of learning exactly what you need to do then a mastermind group to keep you focused and inspired.

module 1

Learn to make your thoughts work for, not against, you.

Everything great begins with the proper mindset, and everyone can improve the way they think about what they want, who they are, and whom they want to serve. Here you will learn the practices to be able to think clearly, reduce stress and ignite your creative engine. The ultimate goal is to get you into a constant state of inspiration.

You’ll walk away with the tools top-achievers and creatives use for maximum productivity, focused thinking and problem-solving. This will make the rest of the course (and your life) so much easier!

module 2

Let’s create your brand kit.

We will walk through enlightening exercises on how to use your past experiences (especially difficult ones) to help others with what you’ve learned. You will get clear on what you stand for and your values, mission, and vision.

You will think through how to translate this into your creative brand kit. This will include your personal style, colors, and way of speaking. This will affect every aspect of the project you create. This may be the first time you’ve had your ideas truly validated, and also the first time you’ve been challenged to do so much more.

Building on the previous week, you will get clear on what beliefs get in the way of you reaching your goals and dreams. You will learn to find and use your voice.

module 3

Define your creative project.

This week we will take a deep dive into answering the who, what, why, where, and how of what you will create. We will explore the people you want to reach, what exactly will be the end result, where our project will reside, when it will be completed, and begin thinking about all the steps needed to get you there.

You will feel exhilarated when you wake up every day helping others with your creation. You will understand your true (priceless) value. Visualizing the outcome will help you stay on course and inspire you through the weeks ahead.

module 4

Learn how to sustain effort and time management skills.

Remaining focused and enthusiastic could possibly be the most important aspect of achieving your goals. What separates the dreamers from the do-ers is the ability to understand what to do when you hit a road-block, have a bad day (or week), or have to navigate challenges that life throws at you. We all have things that pull our attention in different directions, but you will feel confident and efficient with everything you have going on in your magical life.

It’s a rare person who can sustain the effort needed to accomplish big things who also has precise time-management skills. You will get clear on both the steps you need to take and how to manage your schedule in a stress-free way.

module 5

Make your plan.

You will gain an understanding of what you need to do each day to achieve your objective. I will show you how to break down all the pieces of your undertaking, and put them into an efficient, stress-free time-line. You will know how to deal with were once frustrating setbacks. Now you will find the answers and resources needed along the way.

module 6

Pitch your project and build your mastermind group.

By now you will have formed some meaningful, supportive relationships with others like you. Informally pitching your idea to this group will build your confidence and refine your vision and goals.

Your mastermind group is a collaborative community where you can continue on with accountability and ideas.

Graduation bonus materials

All my classes bring up unique requests for information along the way. Here is where we continue to share resources and I send you some sweet surprises.

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Get Started Now

Choose The Plan That Is Best For You

Best Value

One Payment Of




(Save $353)




12 Monthly Payments Of




Enroll now to get these bonuses!

(Worth $5139!)


Stand Up and Do Something ($197 value) FREE included in your program. In-depth look at 100 inspiring tips to help you think clearly, believe in yourself, get skills for success and make a plan to get you where you want to go.


What’s Next? ($497 value) FREE included in your program. I share the top questions I use with coaching clients wanting to define all aspects of their next career.


The Brilliance Code ($197 value) FREE included in your program. This book gives you the back story of Tami Green, and how she retrained her brain. It shows you, step-by-step, how to apply the same practices in your life.


30 Days of Self Discovery ($12.97 value) FREE included in your program. A month of provocative questions to start your day inspired.


Weekly Planning Process ($197 value) FREE included in your program. I will show you, step-by-step, how to manage your project and your life.


Monthly Process Analysis ($197 value) FREE included in your program. This monthly process will give you (and your team) insight into what might need to change, and what you are doing right.


Top Tools of The Trade ($197 value) FREE included in your program. A list of the top tools I use to run my business. Free tools and discounts on paid tools are included.


Inspirational Quotes and Infographics Bundle ($297 value) FREE included in your program Well designed, inspirational quotes and infographics you can use on your phone or computer, or print out, to keep you inspired.

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Mastermind Group ($1997 value) Beginning the week after the program ends, a mastermind group will begin with fellow students creating their own projects.

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Group Coaching With Tami ($1350 value) Some online programs leave you alone, or with peers, to figure everything out in the course. I meet with you once a week to answer your questions in person!

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Tami Knows What She’s Doing

Here’s Proof



My projects were to find a more compatible relationship and to find my dream job. Now I’ve been hired in a brand new industry and am sure about who I want to meet and that I will find him.
— Brandy
Before coaching with Tami, I was unsure on where to begin. A year later I have several employees and my company is profitable.
— Carlos
I’m doing the work I love and make more money than I thought I could. As a musician, I was constantly doubting myself and my anxiety stopped me from collaborating with important people but after doing the work with Tami, I’m past all that.
— Magda
Working with Tami changed my life. I use what she taught me every day—well beyond just completing a project.
— Ronny


Tami is inspiring and intuitive. She can help you discover or rediscover your passions, develop processes for channeling them, and sustain the effort to achieve your goals.
— Dr. Martha Beck, O magazine columnist and best-selling author
[Tami Green’s] encouragement to others to expect positive to be applauded.
— Dr. John Gunderson, Harvard Medical School
Tami…not only gives hope to others but also provides effective practical advice.
Tami Green is an inspiration to us all.
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Different From Other Programs

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Here’s Why

  1. Learn from Americas’ Most Respected Life Coach. Tami Green is a successful and creative entrepreneur who has been a life coach for almost two decades. She has trained numerous coaches under her coaching certification program. Through this course, you will turn your biggest challenges into your greatest opportunities.

  2. Use your life experiences to work for you, not against you. We are enlightened through hardships. The biggest thing you have to give are the things you’ve learned. What you’ve figured out is incredibly valuable and needed by others.

  3. Focused training. Tami began her practice helping people with severe mental illness learn to train their brains to function properly. Her research and tools have gone on to sharpen focus, increase creativity and reduce stress in high achieving individuals. The entire program is structured to help you achieve and problem solve.

  4. 100% money-back guarantee. If by midnight CST on April 2, you don’t feel like it’s a right fit and you’ve submitted all assigned coursework we’ll issue you a full refund. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

This course is right if you…

Are ready to take action. You will gain tools and support and increase your self-belief to follow through and create.

Have the ability to self-reflect, to learn from past experiences, and have the tenacity to put in action what you learn.

Believe you have something valuable that can make people’s lives better or easier. This doesn’t need to be a fully focused dream, you just have to feel it deep inside you.

Feel unsatisfied with the way things are and really want things to change.

This course is NOT right if you…

Aren’t able to consider diverse points of view. It is an advanced skill to be able to hold your opinion while considering another’s. It’s called dialectical thinking and in this group, we will expand our creativity and problem-solving skills by hearing from others with different experiences and viewpoints.

Want a quick fix. This course will set you on a lifelong adventure of evaluating the past, accepting the present, and making a plan for the future. All are necessary to make sure we stay focused on where we want to go, and why. Big projects take time and sustained action—Tami will give you the skills to evaluate daily choices and make plans for the future that you can stick with.

You aren’t ready to be challenged and to grow. Tami’s work with her student’s in life-changing and full of AHA! moments. This requires that students are ready to do the work of self-discovery and examination, then to implement the changes needed to re-create a better version of themselves and complete your project.

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Details about the money-back guarantee

If by midnight CST on April 2, you don’t feel like it’s a right fit and you’ve submitted all assigned coursework we’ll issue you a full refund. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

When will the class begin?

You will get started with some fun things to do as soon as you sign up for the class. Modules, program materials, and the group coaching with Tami will begin on March 15, 2021.

How and when will I receive my program materials?

Once you enroll in the class, you will be sent pre-study materials and all the information for the program. Then starting March 15, you will begin receiving modules and bonus material via email and they will also be posted on the program site here. There will be a link on the bottom of all pages on this site that will take you to the program login. Group coaching calls will be done via Zoom.

When will I be charged for recurring payments?

As soon as you enroll, you will be charged your first monthly payment. Future recurring payments will be on the same day of the month that you originally enrolled.

What if I miss a class?

You will have lifetime access to all of the worksheets, books, videos, audios, and much more on the program site. There is no time requirement for finishing this program, however, the group coaching sessions will end after six weeks. For the most benefit, do as much of the work as possible during that time so you can get questions answered and feedback from Tami as you do the work. Still, you may be traveling or have things happen where some weeks will be better than others. We’ve built the program so you can access it flexibly according to your schedule.

Will my creative project be completed by the end of the six weeks?

This depends on how big your project is! Some things can be done in a matter of weeks, while others may require complex steps that can take much longer. Either way, you’ll have the plan and the tools to complete anything you can dream up.

Will I get to speak with Tami?

Yes! She will inspire you and answer all your questions weekly in the group coaching call.

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Here are is the timeline for the program


Pre-registration begins February 3.

Registration begins February 17.

Registration closes on March 11.

Programs begins March 15. Group coaching with Tami will be held on Tuesdays from 4pm - 6pm CST.

Mastermind and graduation bonuses begin May 3.

Have doubts?

Does this sound like you?

I don’t really know who I want to be when I grow up, exactly.

That’s a good thing because it shows that you’ve grown out of your old self and are ready for the next. Tami has walked many clients through the fun journey of self-discovery. Hint: it starts with validating your preferences, and gets refined as you gain confidence that you can achieve what you set out to do!

Will this program help me with any project I want to accomplish?

Yes. Tami has taught these processes to tens of thousands of people, each with unique goals. She also takes several months each year for deep study to add tons of current information.

I’m sure I’ll have to miss some classes. With this program work for me?

We all have people we need to take care of, other projects, get sick, or discover something broken that needs to be fixed. We build those commitments into the class by allowing you to complete the program in your unique timeframe. You’ll also learn how to better manage future events and get your creative project completed.

I’ve let so many things get in the way of doing what I really want to do. How will this program help change that?

Sometimes we aren’t clear on what our priorities really are. Or we don’t know how to stand up for ourselves. Or we don’t have the help of the routine we need to finish what we want. Other times we just can’t focus or don’t the energy to do everything. These things, and more, are what you’ll overcome so you can fly.

Is this program going to be yet another thing I never finish?

We love this question because we’ve seen the “before” and “after” of people who work with Tami. As a life coach for almost two decades, one thing she excels at is something called motivational psychology. She will dive into motivation in your first module so that you can make it to the finish line. We’ve also made things as easy as possible by including flexibility in the course, weekly group coaching sessions, and support for you in the mastermind group. This isn’t your typical course, trust us!

Get started now!

Ask yourself these questions:

Do you really want to keep doing the same thing, with the same results, that you’ve been doing? Chances are, if you had this program before, your life would be much different today. But life is about growing and learning, and Tami will show you the value in all of your life experiences, and teach you how to build a life unimaginably better.

Have you lacked the energy, money, or people? This happens when people don’t have enough resources to do everything. One of the things you’ll learn is how to problem solve like an expert. You’ll be able to get anything you need and have the time and energy to do what you love.

Has the lack of certain skills or training held you back? Join the club. Here’s the thing: we weren’t born equipped with everything needed to gracefully navigate what life was about to hand us. That and we will always want more and need to figure out new things. But you are about to greatly increase your tool-kit, my friend!

Overwhelmed with too many ideas? We’ve got you covered. This program will help you think clearly, focus, and become very organized and efficient with your time.

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Get Started Now

Choose The Plan That Is Best For You


One Payment Of



(Save $353)



12 Monthly Payments Of

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This program will change your life

The skills you learn will help you in all aspects of what you do, and what you want to accomplish, every day for the rest of your life.

In this program you will:

  • think more clearly

  • feel inspired and energetic

  • get organized and efficient with your time

  • reduce your stress

  • accomplish any goal you set out to achieve

Here’s the summary of what’s included

The three core tenants of what you will need to think, stand and create, taught in six modules.

$2395 value

Bonus worksheets, books, inspirational quotes, processes, checklists, and more.

$1792 value

Group coaching with Tami.

$1350 value

Mastermind and bonus materials, beginning in May.

$1997 value

Advanced practices and training from America’s Most Respected Life Coach.


Total value $7534!

Pay only $2395 if you enroll now.


Have a question?