Press Release: Mental Health State of Emergency

Tami Green pioneered, 16 years ago, online services and support to those facing mental health crises and those going through traumatic life events. Her mental health advocacy work has been endorsed by top leaders from the American Psychiatric Association, Baylor, Harvard, and more.

Says Green, “This is what I’ve been doing for a long time. We can get through this if we mobilize quickly. We are in a mental health crisis of epic proportions. Our most vulnerable people have been abandoned: those who are suicidal, people with mental illnesses, and all of us who are dealing with uncertainty, anxiety, and stress. Mental health support is virtually non-existent as practitioners close their practices and support groups cease to meet.

I ask that we each consider ourselves ‘deployed’ and address this devastating crisis immediately.”

Green continues with an urgent request for the following action to be taken:

“Drastic measures are needed from our leadership in the mental health space. I am asking all national and local mental health organizations to issue press releases immediately to make free services available online including:

The American Psychiatric Association and The American Psychological Association: please include a protocol for going online with mental health therapy.

National Alliance of Mental Illness and The Depression and Bipolar Support Association: please address the action you are taking to move all local and national support online.

Behavioral Tech: DBT therapists, who are often working with the most vulnerable in the community, are needed on the front lines to support individuals and provide therapy online. B-Tech should offer guidelines immediately.

To local community support organizations, the people in the trenches: Email, call, and video conference people that you know and create call chains where you can check in with people.

To all local therapists: there is much confusion that prevents you from moving online, including: compliance with licensing, HIPAA regulations and adhering to certifications, and established protocol. Please share with one another any information you discover on how this is being addressed. Issue press releases and share on social media if you are offering online classes or therapy.

For all volunteers and those needing resources and community support: please post any resources you find on my social media, which can be found on my website:

Zoom and Crowdcast: please create a 60-day pro-free trial so we can implement immediately scalable, accessible solutions to everyone in need.

I’m asking you all when you make these resources available that you post them on my social media channels as an instant repository for information.

My channels are:,,,,

I will be online on all my social media for the next thirty days at 10:00 AM CST to offer the latest updates, free resources, and tips and skills to get through this.

This is a time for us as a community to rise up and help each other. There are coping skills and support we have to share and we can seize the opportunities right now to redeem this situation to make us all stronger.”


About Tami Green

Speaker – Author – Coach - Philanthropist – Entrepreneur

Known as one of the most respected coaches, endorsed by renowned Martha Beck, Congress, and more, Tami’s intention is to be a catalyst for people of all backgrounds, experiences, creeds, cultures or professions, to realize their ‘superhero’ within. Tami’s programs mobilize people to practice higher thinking – to grow and be more through utilizing life’s lessons or chaos, and capitalize on what might be perceived to be obstacles which are truly opportunities to see beyond. She has a mission to validate that you are just what and where you must be. No second-guessing. She gives permission to be your normal. Emotions are there to tell a story.

Examine your thoughts.

Direct your life.

Deliver to those who need to know what you have realized. Tami openly tells her personal story and introduces her tenets of ‘thought technology’. Pulling stories from others and changing those stories if, or as, they need changing, she provides the guidance to rewrite your ‘script’. Contact Tami at