River Retreat with Tami Green

Five Days

You are tired of waiting.

Now is the time. Come see me.

Together we will dig deep, solve problems, and you will taste peace. We will get to the heart of what you want and how you want to live from this day forward.

Then we will make a practical plan to get you to where you want to go.

Book It

You know what you want, you do.

You just aren’t letting yourself do it. Or you don’t know where to start. Or there are too many “shoulds” stopping you.

Join Tami for a five-day intensive retreat on the Colorado River near Austin, Texas.

Before the retreat, we will determine your intentions and goals. Each day will include coaching, relaxation or up-regulation (depending on the needs), skill building, problem-solving, and practice.

A blueprint will be created to take home and serve as a guide for bold life changes.